Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fresh Out -- Finale

So what was the Good Lord thinking? 

As I noted on the last post, men's testosterone seems to last forever, not to mention the benefits but women lose their capacity to produce children, produce testosterone and relish competition mid-life.  Yet we, as a gender, live longer. Men continue their quest for competition and procreation through out their lives but suffer life spans several years shorter. So is God a feminist or a male chauvinist? Maybe He is not either. Maybe He really just has a good sense of humor. God created the most exquisite of living creatures in humans. Then He threw testosterone in one, estrogen in the other and sat back for a good laugh. Oh how just a few atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen can make such a difference!
            Webster’s New World Dictionary defines testosterone as a male sex hormone with a chemical makeup of C19H28O2. Look at all those carbon and hydrogen atoms and so few oxygen atoms! One might be tempted to think that such an overabundance of carbon and hydrogen might contribute to that huge need for competition and power that our male colleagues exhibit. Well ladies, not so fast. Turns out that estriol, a female sex hormone, is loaded with carbon and hydrogen too.  As is estradiol, another female sex hormone whose chemical makeup is C18H24O2.  So the real difference between the genders amounts to a carbon and four hydrogen atoms … something like CH4.  Well, I’ll be!  CH4 is the chemical makeup of … methane. Methane, also defined by Webster, is an odorless, colorless gas found widely in nature.  Methane, when combusted, creates energy in the form of natural gas used to heats homes, buildings and apparently men! The men in the world are full of gas. And is seems that I really WAS out of gas!
            From this sentence on, the Wit and Wisdom for Business Women Dictionary for professional women everywhere shall define testosterone as the desire to compete, specifically in corporate America but more generally in life. It shall mean the drive for power, money and/or glory. It is one driven by ego and status. It may still be a man’s world in many respects but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun with it. Have you checked your testosterone tank lately? I hear laughter is great for replenishing a dwindling supply.

Next time we begin our review of testosterone types .... stay tuned. 

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